Emily Getzen

I am a 5th year Biostatistics PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania advised by Dr. Qi Long. I will be graduating in the Spring of 2024. My research lies at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and medicine. I primarily focus on the development of deep learning (DL) methods for multimodal EHRs data–this involves methods that can handle both structured and unstructured EHRs data sampled at irregular time intervals. Within this focus, I have also developed methods to assess the impact of access to healthcare on algorithmic fairness. My goal is to build trustworthy and equitable DL methods that fuse multimodal health data (imaging, ‘omics, EHRs, wearables data) for disease prediction. I want to make healthcare more accessible and give people more control over their outcomes.



Email: egetzen@upenn.edu 

Office: 108/109B Blockley Hall | 423 Guardian Drive

Perelman School of Medicine | University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA 19104

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